
I badly need my childhood back :(

childhood days

Vishnuz art

While i’m doodling this, a lot of things were going around on my mind. I dont have any good childhood memories, but still i love those days where i dont care about anythng but cartoons and icecreams. The days where i dont want to comb my hair, days where i dont  wear any new brand shirts but just a smile,  the days where i believed everyone in this world are happy. Now I feel sad and happy at the same time ):). I feel sad that those days never come back and i feel happy that i’m still living in it. Have a Good Day !

12 thoughts on “I badly need my childhood back :(

  1. Theanne aka magnoliamoonpie says:

    your doodle says it all…as for me…I wouldn’t want my childhood back…just leave me my few happy memories and I’m good to go…on with life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t really have great childhood memories either…My childhood was pretty much normal. But like you, I miss how life was so much simpler back then! I miss how one small field was enough for an entire universe of fantasies and games. I miss reading silly comics (I confess that I still like reading Tinkle comics whenever I can get my hands on them).

    Have a great day…. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pragati says:

    Ahha…You know I actually thought Its a kid standing open arms and begging to god to grant his wish…and the Rope is his bag !
    4 minutes of looking at it I recognised its a tree with a Swing 😀

    Very Imaginative ! All the best…keep making ! Lovely doodles 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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